When you look into a mirror, would you think, “I’m a racist”?
Chances are you wouldn’t.
People for the most part believe in their own goodness and justify their thoughts, words and actions.
Yet of late we are seeing more and more incidences of people - Singaporean or not - making the most insensitive and insulting comments about other races or nationalities.
Sitting on the top of the genteel Mount Sophia is arts haven Old School. A polestar in the city’s thriving Central Arts District since 2007, it comprises six beautiful whitewashed buildings that span a range of architectural styles, from Art Deco to ’80s-modern, a microcosm of urban architectural development in Singapore. In these buildings are independent picture house Sinema, leading photography gallery 2902, local music bar Timbre as well as a host of arts and design related studios, offices and agencies.
The current wave of racism and xenophobia continues to run strong in Singapore. Filipino Independence Day Council Singapore’s efforts to hold a large Philippines Independence Day event in the civic plaza of Ngee Ann City drew vile and nasty comments from people online, particularly on the facebook page ‘Say No to an Over Populated Singapore’. These comments are racist, ignorant and so hateful they are not worth repeating.
Pride and Prejudice:
Lack of Thinking
Produces Ignorance
How Old is Old Enough for Conservation?
Racist? Who, me?
We bring you the final segment of our three-part interview with openly gay, fully ordained pastor, Reverend Miak Siew who is a leader at Free Community Church.
In the second of a series on an extensive interview with publichouse.sg, Reverend Miak Siew of Free Community Church talks about coming out, gay labels and stereotypes and what happens when a gay man is told he can change.
Teenage author Nicholas Chan left school for months to write this book. Newly published, My Life My Terms talks frankly about teen social problems—gangs, alcohol, even suicide—and shows how he and his family are overcoming their own.